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In this blog will understand how to install jenkins on aws ec2 instance Pre requisite : aws ec2 instance — login to the aws ec2 instance — In order to...
EC2 VPC(Virtual Private Cloud) EBS(Elastic block store) (volume) S3(Storage) IAM(Identity and access management) Cloud watch (Monitoring and...
In this blog we will deploy simple Node Js Application on AWS EC2 -- Open your terminal and clone the below given repository git clone...
touch: first-shell-script.sh ( creating shell script file) man touch ( man is used to tell the user about the command information like what touch...
Most of the software professions and companies in software world are using linux based operating system. operating system : os is used to establish...
Steps to create EC2 Instance: -- Login to the AWS account -- Go To EC2 and click on launch instance -- Give a name to the instance and select ubuntu...